Thursday, April 03, 2008

It's like running a marathon -- only you're on skates
4/2/2008 7:43 AM
By: Veronica Castelo

Road Rash in Round Rock last year.
Q: You can trade in your sneakers for some inline skates this weekend in Round Rock for the Texas Road Rash and here to tell us more about it is Terri Waggoner, with the City of Round Rock, and Richard Littrell, the president of Hill Country Inline Club. And, Richard, this started five years ago. How did this get started?

Richard Littrell: I had been traveling around the country doing different events and I went to the City of Round Rock and proposed this inline marathon to them and it fit right in with their new campaign of being the sports capital of Texas. And they loved the idea and we ran with it – or skated with it. It’s grown ever since.

Q: Now, obviously, here in Austin and surrounding areas, a very fit community, a lot of runners, what sort of fitness level should you be in if you’re going to do a half marathon or marathon skating?

Richard Littrell: Well, certainly, this is not an event for a person who has never been on skates before. They do need to prepare for it. Aerobically and conditioning wise, it’s pretty equivalent to a half marathon. So, if you can run a half marathon and you know how to skate, then you can pretty much skate a full marathon. The last person, it’ll take them about three hours and fifteen minutes – will be the longest they’d be out there.


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